1. How set IP Address by running .bat file Copy the below script to a notepad, change the IP Addresses to your set of IP's and then run the bat file after saving the notepad as .bat file. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @ECHO OFF set varip= set varsm= set vargw= set vardns1= set vardns2= set varhome=www.google.com REM ***** You don’t need to change anything below this line! ****** ECHO This fanciness is brought to you by AVINASH PILLAI ! ECHO Setting IP Address and Subnet Mask netsh int ip set address name = "Local Area Connection" source = static addr = %varip% mask = %varsm% ECHO Setting Gateway netsh int ip set address name = "Local Area Connection" gateway = %vargw% ...
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